Thursday, September 29, 2011

Good Moms Make Cookies

So yes, I admit, I do like cookies.  All kinds.  In fact, my kids don't have to ask me to make cookies.  I do it because I like them as much as the kids. seems that all the nutrition classes I've taken did not really teach me to change my behavior.  I do know what is healthy and what is not.  I know that a person should eat sweets SPARINGLY and get plenty of exercise.  I don't mind the exercise part.  I mind the SPARINGLY part.  I have put on 20 pounds since last year.  That's right.  20!  Holy cow!  I never thought I would go back to my fat pants.  I feel guilty and gross when I don't eat right, so why do I do it?  Well, because the junk food tastes good.  That's why.  I am working on it.  I just have to apply all the common sense knowledge and quit being a cookie monster.  I do like healthy food too, so that isn't a problem.  It's those times when I look through the house searching for some junk food.  There has to be something bad for me here!  Then I realize, I don't BUY junk food.  I make it from scratch.  So maybe I should quit baking completely and get out there and run my buns off.  Starting now.

1 comment:

  1. Ok...ready, go! Oh, if you want to make me cookies, I wouldn't complain. I not only had to stop making them, I had to stop buying chocolate chips and yummy things to make them with! Good luck in your new commitment. Hope it lasts longer than mine did. :)
